

Aug 11, 2023

Have You Seen This? Dog door befuddles puppy

Estimated read time: Less than a minute

DOGVILLE — Have you ever thought that you were leaning against a solid surface, only to have it give way? Or, on the flipside, have you ever accidentally walked directly into a solid surface?

A dramatic example of this type of confusion occurred when the daughter of our family friend got a cast removed from her arm. She was so thrilled to have the cumbersome cast gone that she joyfully ran down the hallway of the doctor's office. At the end of the hallway was a floor-to-ceiling window, which she thought was an open doorway. Crashing through the glass, the poor girl broke her ankle.

Even for adults, it's hard to always get it right. I was once leaving an office building and walked smack into a similar floor-to-ceiling window. My face left a grease mark on the glass that's still there to this day.

Puppies, unsurprisingly, also struggle to master this concept.

Keep at it, Georgy. We all have to take a few tumbles before we figure out what is safe to lean against and what is safe to walk through.